What is “Farm to School”?

Farm to school is a people-powered movement that seeks to strengthen the connection communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers. There are three basic elements to farm to school:

1. Local Food Procurement

  • Local foods are purchased, promoted and served in the cafeteria or as a snack or taste-test;

2. Food & Nutrition Education

  • Students participate in education activities related to agriculture, food, health or nutrition; and

3. Edible Gardens

  • Students engage in hands-on learning through gardening.

Farm to school empowers children and their families to make informed food choices while strengthening the local economy and contributing to vibrant communities.

Graphic courtesy of the National Farm to School Network.

Illinois Farm to School Network

The Illinois Farm to School Network is comprised of passionate members who are working to change food purchasing and education practices in their communities. Our membership includes:

  • Teachers and Educators
  • Gardeners
  • School nutrition professionals
  • Early care providers
  • Farmers
  • Food hubs & distributors
  • Public health advocates
  • Students

The Illinois Farm to School Network coordinators provide training, connect partners, and share resources about all aspects of farm to school.

The Illinois Farm to School Network is a program of Seven Generations Ahead, a non-profit dedicated to promoting the development of ecologically sustainable and healthy communities.

As a Partner of the National Farm to School Network, the Illinois Farm to School Network supports farm to school and farm to early care and education efforts in Illinois while serving as a liaison for information, resources, needs and opportunities with the National Farm to School Network.