Fresh from the Farm

Aligned to the Common Core standards and Illinois State Learning Standards, Fresh from the Farm curricula are designed to engage children from 1st through 8th grades. Each lesson is assigned Common Core Standards. The complete list of Common Core Standards that the nutrition lessons will achieve can be found here. Fresh from the Farm is comprised of three sets of curricula: Sow and GrowRoots and Fruits, & Linking Plants and Food. To view these, select “Fresh from the Farm” from the website’s main menu or click here.

Sow and Grow

Sow and Grow is an elementary curriculum designed to educate children about various plants and their parts, how plants grow, where our food comes from, and what is required to grow a healthy plant.

Roots and Fruits

Roots and Fruits combines classroom curriculum, school gardens, organic farm tours, school lunch reform, and whole school wellness strategies to obtain a positive impact on children’s diet and consumption of fruits and vegetables.

Linking Plants and Food

By incorporating several core concepts, Linking Plants and Food instills a deep understanding of a sustainable food system and uses the local environment as a focal point for learning. This place-based education creates a meaningful and culturally relevant framework for learning.