Planning for F2S Success
The tools below will help you think through how you want to sustain your farm to school activities. Planning is critical to the longterm impact that farm to school can have on children, farmers, and communities!
Farm to School Planning Toolkit, USDA Office of Community Food Systems
This comprehensive toolkit helps sites build a team, establish a vision, and develop a strategy for implementing and evaluating their farm to school programming.
Evaluation for Transformation, National Farm to School Network
We recommend building a strategy to measure the impact that your farm to school activities have on food producers, health, education, and the environment. This evaluation guide will give you common language, guidelines, and metrics to build and assess your local food sourcing and gardening efforts.
Farm to School Planning Toolkit, VT FEED
Vermont FEED (Food Education Every Day) developed a Farm to School Rubric, Action Planning Template, Impact & Feasibility Analysis Tool, and Media Kit to help farm to school teams create sustainable and beneficial programs.
Rethinking School Lunch, Center for Ecoliteracy
This planning tool identifies ten pathways to follow as you plan for innovation and change in school food: food and health, wellness policy, teaching and learning, the dining experience, procurement, facilities, waste management, professional development, and marketing and communications.
Youth Farm Stands Toolkit, Slow Food
Slow Food USA has a Youth Farm Stands Toolkit sharing information and methods to create a farmers market at your education or feeding site to incorporate food education and community connections.