This May, Seven Generations Ahead partnered with the Kane County Health Department’s Fit For Kids Initiative to give out Tower Gardens at five Kane County public schools. What exactly is a Tower Garden? It is an innovative, portable, vertical garden that grows food using aeroponic technology, which is similar to hydroponics but harnesses the air in a way that is unique to its vertical structure. These towers have been placed in five classrooms across Kane County, and we will share their progress as the students learn how to grow delicious, fresh food indoors. Each tower came with a full lighting system so that teachers can grow food throughout the school year.
Where are the Kane County Tower Gardens?
• Rotolo Middle School, Batavia
• STEM Middle School, Aurora
• Hermes Elementary School, Aurora
• Kaneland John Stewart Elementary School, Elburn
• deLacey Family Education Center (Pre-K), Carpentersville
These Tower Gardens have been used in classrooms across the county to enhance student learning about the intersections of food, science and technology. Thanks to the Kane County Health Department Fit For Kids Initiative for bringing Tower Gardens to classrooms across Kane County! Here are some photos of our teachers putting their towers together.