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Local Food Taste Tests

Have you ever passed by a free sample that you didn’t try? Perhaps if you’re trying to rush through the store, but generally, we humans really like to try new things when they’re free! Psychologists and marketers alike have always known this ‘Costco Principal’ – free food just makes people happy… and maybe a little bit more willing to spend money on new products.

Taste Test in AuroraWe like to apply this same principal to students, although we aren’t trying to make a quick buck off of them! The Illinois Farm to School program has been running taste tests at schools in our Farm to School pilot area of Kane County throughout the winter and spring. Our samples are healthy, fresh and tasty. Before handing them out, we tell the students where they were grown and ask them if they can guess what part of the plant the food is. It’s a process that takes just a few minutes, but the students are much more willing to try something new when it comes with a cool story.

What is the reasoning behind these fun, free sample lunch days? Well, studies show that children need lots of exposure to new foods before they are open to eating them more regularly. A lot of the time, we find that students look at the food (a green leafy veg, for example) very skeptically… eat it very skeptically… and then ask for another sample very skeptically! Not all kids enjoy new foods automatically, but being open to trying new things is a skill they need to develop.

These taste tests also help us gauge which locally available items would go over the best if they were to be added to a school menu. Radishes? Maybe not. Hydroponically grown pea sprouts and arugula? Yes, definitely!

Farm to school can be a lot of fun, but it has many challenges. Our taste tests have shown us that with time and repeated effort, many of these challenges are easily overcome. Kids across Kane County are loving their local food samples!

Three Schools, Two Bites, and Healthy Eating for Life

In the fight against childhood obesity, sometimes the humble tomato can be our best weapon. But how do you get children to eat one when chips beckon? Our answer: the “Two Bite Club.” When Seven Generations Ahead brought our Fresh From the Farm program to three Chicago-area schools, even the pickiest students joined the club. Students at Chase Elementary School in Logan Square, Dunne Technology Academy in Roseland, and Marquardt Middle School in Glendale Heights tried a combined total of 4,030 bites of 23 new foods. Kids tried blueberries, carrots, honey, bell peppers, and pomegranates, but their favorite was jicama. Fresh From the Farm also brought in a bee keeper, a farmer and a master composter to teach children about how food is grown. Now, the children are teaching parents. As one proud mother explained, “Ever since my son started the program, he talks to me about the benefits of fruits and vegetables.” And hopefully, this new mindset will help these children and their families live healthy lives.